Registration of Print media entity: Decision of the National Council of Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine: Decision No. 2178 as of 27.06.2024

Media ID: R30-04731

Professional registration (category B): Decree of the MES of Ukraine on 2 July 2020 № 886 (Annex № 4)

Branch of science: economic.

Specialities: 051 - Economics, 071 - Accounting and Taxation, 072 - Finance, Banking, Insurance and Stock Market, 073 - Management, 075 - Marketing, 292 - International Economic Relations.

ISSN print version of the Journal: 2413-9971

Abstract databases: V.I. Vernadsky National LibraryIndex CopernicusGoogle Scholar

Frequency: 6 times/year (bimonthly).

Language of publications: Ukrainian, English.


Editor-in-Chief: Korol Maryna Mykhailivna, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor

Head of the Editorial Council: Palinchak Mykola Mykhailovych, Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor

Assistant Editor: Drozdovskyi Yaroslav Petrovych, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor

Members of the Editorial Board: Brenzovych K. S. (Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor), Verkhohliadova N. I. (Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor), Hazuda M. V. (Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor), Humeniuk V. V. (Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor), Zayats O. I. (Doctor of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor), Kushnir N. O. (Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor), Leshchuk H. V. (Doctor of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor), Poida-Nosyk N. N. (Candidate of Economic Sciences, Professor), Prykhodko V. P. (Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor), Slava S. S. (Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor), Stezhko N. V. (Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor), Khymynets V. V. (Doctor of Economic Sciences), Tsalan M. I. (Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor), Gajek O. (Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Poland), Lipková L. (Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Slovakia).

Editorial address:
 88000, Ukraine, Uzhhorod, University str., 14
Telephone: +38 (050) 050 2012
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Copyright © 2014-2024. Scientific Bulletin of UNU.
Series: International economic relations and world economy